/web design

Biotech Startup NurLabs
User Interface Design

Role: UI Designer
Cilent: Beth Elliot
Tools:  Figma
Softness Screen is a mockup of a 4-page screen designed to assist with the Softness product and it’s function. Each page has a scroll regarding to the question on the navigation page title.

Role: User Interface Designer
Client: 826LA, Meow Wolf Omega Mart
Tools: Figma
Project Manager: Carrine Mangold
E-zine in Los Vegas. I carefully designed an mock up in Figma to lead viewers through the zine using a scroll per “course” page and a lower navigation for the next page to mimic the left to right flow of a zine. 

Role: Web Developer
Client: Hannah Pang
Tools: HTML, CSS, Glitch
Project Manager: Chris Cueller

Birthday Cards was created to feel closer to my long distance best friend. I compiled a series of notes and photographs dedicated to her, created by friends and myself. Each page included a note on the left side and photographs on the right and were both individually scrollable. ing to the question on the navigation page title.

Role: Software Designer
Client: DMA 24
Tools: Processing Software
Processing Coach: Casey Reas 
What color do you feel? was an expirement about color that heightens sensitivity to color changes. The Procesing software creates subtle changes in colors when the mouse hovers over the opposite color block. More so, the color is changed by using the lerp color function from the Processing library.