Avisi Tech

  1. NorthBurl | Branding
  2. Avisi Tech | Branding
  3. Avisi Tech | Social
  4. EVEXIAS Health | Print
  5. LACMA | Print
  6. UCLA | User Interface
  7. 826LA | Print
  8. Fabrication | Fun
  9. Creative Code | Fun
  10. Mural | Fun


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LACMA's Ceramics catalog and advertisement design were made for the moment, a celebration of the ceramics department at LACMA. The design was based on Peter Shire's avant-garde cups. Marketing collateral such as stickers and billboards used circle "frames" in Shire's cups.

The story for LACMA’s exhibition thrives in and out of the public canvas. Working on this helped me see how public
advertisements can be a place to showcase and a precious moment to teach. Thank you to the marketing team for the opportunity!