/furniture design

Furniture Design, Art Direction
Role: Graphic Designer, Fabricator
Size: 4ft x 16in x 16in
Cilent: UCLA Arts
Tools:  Illustrator, CNC,  Woodshop
CNC supervisor: Jonathan Cecil
U-Bench is created using Birch plywood, polycarbonate, and a 3-axis CNC milling machine. The dimensions are 48”x16”x16”. The U-Bench uses finger joints, wood glue, and planks. The bench with it’s U shaped dip, invites individuals to nest in the middle or lay atop it. I was inspired by the chaos and beauty that occurs in a collage of street art, public art, and public furniture. The communal idea of public benches was an invitation to peers at UCLA to be rebellious on an elegant design.

Furniture Design, Art Direction 
Role: Product Engineer
Size: 6ftx 15in x 2in
Cilent: Christian Moller
Tools:  Arduino, Load Cells, LEDs
Electronics Facilitator: Chandler McWilliams
Video Expert: Ethan Shao
Softness is a unique rug. It uses LEDs and load cell technology to create a warm vibration when in contact with a person.This project grew out of my fondess of comfortable interactive art gallery pieces and my interest in making an Arduino based project. 

Product Design, Fabrication
Role: Prop Designer, Fabricator
Size: 6ft x 18in, 25in
Cilent: UCLA Film & Television
Tools:  Illustrator, CNC, Woodshop
Musical Director: Uma Supatra
Kissing Blocks is the center prop of UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television‘s musical Myths and Hymns. It has multifunctio abilities; a ladder, a cot, and a coffin. This was a challenge and it was solved by meticulously simplifying the shapes of each object. The final design was a two piece blocks which resembled a large jigsaw puzzle piece. The Kissing Blocks had to be carried 3 times in the duration of the 40-minute musical which asked for finger digits. The prop has minimal, circular finger digits on the short faces of the ladder portion to make lifting easier.  

urna.info 2024
nepali american designer
ba 2023 ucla

open 4 work

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